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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Blueberry Sauce

Wow...its been a long time since I blogged last! I just got so busy in August, then I backpacked all over Europe in September and into October, then took some time to recover, and now I'm working full time. Sorry for my absence, but I'm back now and ready to update, so watch out for post coming at you like rapid fire. Here's the first one...

Blueberries = my favorite berries

Why blueberries rock because they are...

  • deliciously wonderful
  • packed with antioxidants
  • a great source of Vitamin C
  • a great source of fiber
  • a great source of maganese
  • smile friendly (their seeds don't get stuck in your teeth)
  • have no fat
Blueberries are a great summer fruit. I can easily eat an entire pack in one sitting, they are that addicting. Nature's candy for sure! Blueberries are wonderful all by themselves but they are also great as a sauce. It's quite simple to make... All I did was melted some rock candy sugar, throw in the blueberries and added some corn starch to thicken the sauce and tah dah! I made the sauce for a friend's BBQ. Since I was crunched for time I bought some lemon pound cake and ice cream to serve with the sauce. 

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